Monday, 28 January 2008

Tolstoy's Kreutzer Sonata (1889) - genius at large

Tolstoy's Kreutzer Sonata here. Can't vouch for the translation, but the raw power of the story surely cannot fail to shine through. Its psychological subtlety sets it apart from most literature. In Tolstoy's writings, domestic life becomes the stage of tragedy as deep and moving as the Greek's. Tolstoy depicts the struggle of the soul against the conditions of its existence so vividly that even the most ardent materialist finds himself moved by the laments of Psyche. The fact that the tale is told from the perspective of the man who has gained knowledge tragically at first-hand means that it is a story of tragic self-discovery - like Oedipus. It's a story of ruin wrought in the bedroom, but fuckin' French film about shagging it ain't.

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